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Suite London | |
Bas Möllenkramer 15 February 2005 18:59:58 | Hi all. At this moment I am doing another improved LP-to-CD transfer of Suite London. I upgraded my "vinyl engine" to TechnicsSP10MkII, SME3009MkIIImproved and Stanton981MovingCoil. Now comes the hard bit. My best copy of Suite London (NL Stateside) has a technical flaw caused during the original disc cutting. During the first of the Impression movements, the level of the right channel suddenly drops by about 5 dB and spoils the whole thing. So I had to grab that bit from my slightly less perfect Philips UK pressing. I did one or two other similar substitutions to create as near as I could get to a perfect CD of Suite London. I am listening to River Lives right now as I write this and I am quite happy with the result. Although my previous CD transfer was really nice, this one is richer and deeper. Thanks to Adobe Audition 1.5 for the fine sotfware. Gee this was a hard task, especially in the quiet bits like the intro. It still aint perfect but I love it like this. Bye all. |
Derek Wales 01 March 2005 19:01:50 | Re:Suite London Bas Möllenkramer wrote: > Hi all. At this moment I am doing another improved LP-to-CD transfer of Suite London. I upgraded my "vinyl engine" to TechnicsSP10MkII, SME3009MkIIImproved and Stanton981MovingCoil. Now comes the hard bit. My best copy of Suite London (NL Stateside) has a technical flaw caused during the original disc cutting. During the first of the Impression movements, the level of the right channel suddenly drops by about 5 dB and spoils the whole thing. So I had to grab that bit from my slightly less perfect Philips UK pressing. I did one or two other similar substitutions to create as near as I could get to a perfect CD of Suite London. I am listening to River Lives right now as I write this and I am quite happy with the result. Although my previous CD transfer was really nice, this one is richer and deeper. Thanks to Adobe Audition 1.5 for the fine sotfware. Gee this was a hard task, especially in the quiet bits like the intro. It still aint perfect but I love it like this. Bye all. Sounds great Bas ! |
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