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Lifted from the chair! |
Ingmar from Sweden 23 December 2017 20:07:35[quote in reply] | About 1968 I spent a week in London to see my fiancee. One free evening I went to Albert Hall to listen to Maynard Ferguson big band (US). As a upstarting band there was an (for me) unknown band The Peddlers...NICE! My style! It was all black in the Hall when they started tune #2: "On a clear day"...lovely. But here comes the chock that lifted me from the chair: Suddenly the light slowly went on behind the band exactly when all the strings were "caressing" in..." I hadn't even SEEN that there was a big string orchestra on the stage behind! Next day I directly went out to buy the VERY fresh album! OK, Maynard Ferguson was of course good too... BUT: here comes another happy end: This fiancee - - - we did not meet in 49 years - - - until this September. NOW we are together for REAL! :-) |
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