The Peddlers

Latest Update

31 January 2021

Addition to Galleries Page - Personal Collection.  Thanks to Dave Stewart.

7 July 2020

Addition to Galleries page - Peddlers on Dutch TV.  Thanks to Terry Sinett.

13 May 2020

Thanks to Terry Sinnett for additions to Galleries page.

10 October 2018

Great New Roy Phillips album, "Standard Procedure 1"

A set of songs given the classic Peddlers treatment includes "Summertime", "Got My Mojo Working", "Let It Be" and a live version of "My Way" recorded in 1974 by the Peddlers in Amsterdam.

now available from Roy's website  

8 April 2017

Thanks to our friend Bas Mollenkramer for these images of the ultra rare

French release of 'Suite London'

See Galleries

8 March 2013

New image sent in by Jurgen Degasperi!

See Galleries

13 July 2012

Live Photos 1976-1980

See Galleries

15 June 2012

 'Southern Woman'

TV clip added to Discography

See 'Birthday'

 5 June 2012

New Gallery Page

6 Sept 2007

Ladies and gentlemen,
The Peddlers

24 Sept 2007 

Roy's New CD

Dancing With Shadows

19 August 2006

Suite London

15 April 2006

'Suite London' now on cd! Order here    

7 March 2006

Tis' here enjoy

Click the above link for Roy Phillip's new album! and DVD


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Recent Peddler Convert
26 January 2004

[quote in reply]

Well I certainly didn't waste my money. HOW COOL IS COOL definitely is cool. One of my aabsolute fave tracks is SAY NO MORE! Goosebump City! These guys were capable of SO much. Also GIRLIE, WHAT NOW MY LOVE, A BOY IN LOVE, and HANDLE WITH CARE! Now I'm obsessed with finding the PICKWICK/THREE FOR ALL cd. Does anyone have a copy to sell? Who needs Tom Jones, the Peddlers are even more over the top! Did they ever tour or have any chart success in the U.S.? Take care guys, keep the postings coming. Any other recent converts out there?
Peter Horton
26 January 2004

[quote in reply]

Re:Recent Peddler Convert

Rob wrote:

> Well I certainly didn't waste my money. HOW COOL IS COOL definitely is cool. One of my aabsolute fave tracks is SAY NO MORE! Goosebump City! These guys were capable of SO much. Also GIRLIE, WHAT NOW MY LOVE, A BOY IN LOVE, and HANDLE WITH CARE! Now I'm obsessed with finding the PICKWICK/THREE FOR ALL cd. Does anyone have a copy to sell? Who needs Tom Jones, the Peddlers are even more over the top! Did they ever tour or have any chart success in the U.S.? Take care guys, keep the postings coming. Any other recent converts out there?

I bought How Cool Is Cool at the start of 2003 and The Peddlers is just about all I play now. It took 35 years of record collecting to catch on, but I finally got there.

My immediate reaction after How Cool Is Cool was the same as yours - where di I get the other CD?

If you go onto there is currently a copy available, but be quick.

Best wishes, Peter

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